Propose Day pickup lines

The sweetest way to propose: 
“Excuse me, do you have a band aid, 
because i scrapped my knee 
when i fell in love with you.” 
Will you be mine ...
Happy Propose Day!!

Did you know they changed the alphabet? 
They put U and I together.
“Happy Propose Day”

I have Spent Many Sleepless Nights,
In Your Love And i don’t want,
My Son to Do same 4 Your Daughter,
So lets make them Brother And Sister …
“Happy Propose Day”

Boy: Would You Mind Sharing Your Address With Me
Girl: Why
Boy: Because That Is Where I would take my marriage vows one day..

Are you free .....
for the rest of your life? 
Happy Propose Day

I can’t imagine a life without you in it, 
I want to grow old with you, 
Let’s spend the rest of our lives together.

I Am Opening An Emotional Bank Account
For U Sweetheart
So Deposit Your Love In It
And You Will Get The Interest.
Be My Valentine !
Happy Propose Day...

I wish I was one of your tears, 
so I could be born in your eye, 
run down your cheek, 
and die on your lips.

I Love You For Not What You Are
But What I Become
When I Am There With You.
SO Be With Me Forever....