Love book pictures

No winter is too cold when you have enough love.... 

There is nothing more beautiful than a Person-
whose Heart has been broken,
But still believes in the beauty of love...!! 

Every Thing
I Do.."

Do It.."
For U...!! 

Falling in love with her was...
Never my intention...
But it became my...

I don't make you feel...
I just remind you that...
you are Special..!!  

When you are in love everything seems beautiful.. but I say "When u
r truly in love U can't find anything more beautiful than your love....

A simple look, a sweet hug, a romantic kiss, few caring words, and unlimited love...!! 

You are always with me.. in my thoughts. I wish i could tell you, how much i miss you ... 

How far you try to push him away from you , if he stay with you and he loves you more then he is yours...

Love isn't supposed to be easy.. But it always worth fighting