Cheesy little love poem..

Love is not diamonds

Love is letting her chase you around with a camera,
your mind telling you how much you despise being photographed
and still managing a smile
because she asked you to.

It is letting his hands rest against your stomach
that you desperately wish to hide. Knowing
how much he thinks you’re beautiful
despite your many flaws.

Or perhaps it is when you sit up talking for 782 minutes
whispering secrets to each other
even though you both hate the phone.

Love is not getting tongue tied every time you see them,
holding their hand in public
nor dancing under moon lit skies.

Of course not.
It is feeling as though, no matter how stupid,
you can say whatever you think up
and he will never think less of you for it.
It is wanting to have her skin against yours
every waking moment
of every day

just to know that she is still beside you
and this is not mind’s cruel joke.

And it is dancing in your underwear in the early morning sun,
because he suggested it,
so of course it is so.
Self conscious or not, you know you will be smiling.

Love is fear, danger, happiness, fortitude, compassion, etc…
but most of all love is